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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by AngeloComet Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:19 pm

On the DVD commentary for The Man Behind The Curtain, I believe it’s Carlton Cuse that heavy-handedly mentions that the volcano revealed to exist on the Island may prove important within the future of Lost. Hmm, I thought. I suppose I better give this subject more attention.

First then, to the volcano that exists on the Island. Let’s look at that.

Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Olivia

Olivia – “. . . we will get our very own volcanic reaction.”

[Annie raises her hand]

Olivia – “Yes.”

Annie – “Is that what happened to the volcano on this Island?”

Olivia – “Exactly, Annie, but that was a long time ago.”

So that’s all we get from the show about volcanoes. So far, so not very informative. Time for some digging. Not knowing much about volcanoes I went and did what other people who don’t know anything about something and have an internet connection do: I went on Wikipedia. What I learned was that there are all kinds of different volcanoes, but our most likely candidate on the Island is one known as a "hotspot", as produced by sitting above a "mantle plume".

Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Hot+SPot

I guess I should have warned you this was going to be informative. But don’t let that put you off.

To keep it in simple terms, mantle plumes are static vents of hot material. Hotspots are tectonic plates that drift over these plumes and get melted, create vents and, hey presto, up spouts hot stuff, usually magma. So the Island is, potentially, drifting (or once drifted) on a tectonic plate that has hit upon one of these mantle plumes and now it’s a volcanic timebomb.

Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Hawai_Mantle_Plume

The islands around Hawaii were created by mantle plume volcanic eruptions. Given that Lost is filmed on Oahu, Hawaii, I have no doubt this piece of information will not have escaped the creators. Maybe they figured they could make that work for their show. It makes me wonder if this is potentially how they are leading us to accept how the Island came to exist. . .

In short, perhaps the Island was created by one of these volcanic eruptions that forms Islands. So far, so acceptable, right? Only this happens to plenty of other islands and they don’t have healing properties and Black Smokes rampaging around them. So what you’re reading now are pretty much words from a mind that is scrambling to make sensible connections from this. And very probably failing.

But here’s what I did. I typed in Volcano Electromagnetism into Google. As you do. And. . . drum roll. . . I hit a blank. Oh, there was some discussion about how a large enough volcanic eruption might reverse the Earth’s electromagnetism but this was simply down to the timings between last electromagnetic reversals and big volcanic eruptions. But it was dismissed. Just because two things happened in close proximity it don’t make ‘em related. In short, a false syllogism. In short, dead end.

OK. Now what? Off to the Sunda Trench.

Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Sunda+Trench

We know that the fake Oceanic 815 plane was ‘discovered’ in a place called the Sunda Trench. Around this region, in the year 1815 (hello numbers!), a massive volcanic eruption took place (it was heard 3,000 miles away and was the biggest recorded in human history). This might be a red herring. This might be a major signpost.

Where I get to with all of this is this: The Island was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption aaaaages ago. Some time later (perhaps when there were people on the Island worshipping statues with four toes) there was a massive eruption. The massive eruption I mentioned above. Or possibly not. Perhaps it was a different volcanic eruption (and the Sunda Trench eruption was merely a breadcrumb clue, dropped for us to leap on like I have done here). Wherever this volcanic eruption occurred, its effects were felt on the Island and it smashed at least one giant four toed statue to pieces, leaving only a foot.

Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Foot-statue

Thing is, since we know that the Island can move, who's to say that it wasn't once on a hotspot volcano location - the big eruption outlined above - and experienced the effects there before it moved on.
And not only that. . . maybe that eruption did something to the Island. . . a massive explosion that knocked it into a different kind of rift in time and space, creating that potential ‘time bubble’ the Island is perhaps enveloped by. . . that allowed for a marked difference in electromagnetic qualities. . .

Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Volcano
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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by nino_1 Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:08 am

so maybe the volcano is there but not the magma

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by SunburnedPenguin Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:11 am

Oooh another fascinating read AC!

I wonder how this will come into play for the future of lost....will there be an eruption, or will a past eruption be a massive piece of the puzzle?

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by TheHolyStickman Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:21 am

I'm not sure. Volcanoes are normal things, not exactly everyday, but they happen. Could a Volcano move something into a different time shift and make a bubble around it.

If I have this wrong, please explain it AC.
The Chosen Ones

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by Alaina Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:18 am

Wonderful read....

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by AngeloComet Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:50 am

"Could a Volcano move something into a different time shift and make a bubble around it?"

The quick real-world answer is 'no'. Mind, Islands cannot time shift or have bubbles around them at all, anywhere.

But if you add the term 'in Lost' onto the end of that question then it becomes a different proposition.

I mean, whilst a volanic eruption almost certainly won't be responsible for ALL the weird and wonderful properties of the Island, it may have been a significant contributor to certain properties.

And let's not forget there's an enormous crater on the Island too - speculation that a meteor once hit (massive impact, potential cosmic debris) also treads down the same theory path in speculation about what staggering event caused the Island to be such a unique place.
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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by MyStarbuckHatesLost Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:44 am

Interesting read AC but I'm not sure that it all fits together.
All islands in that region are volcanic in nature and I think the important element to consider is the "negatively-chared exotic matter" mentioned by Edgar Hallowax in the Orchid station video in the season finale.

What is this exotic matter and where did it come from? did a volcanic eruption bring it up from the depths of the Earth? I'm thinking it didn't and my theory is that it is extra-terrestrial in origin. Not as in "space aliens" but as in some kind of material that was not from Earth and just wound up here if the form of a meteor or asteroidal impact. (Think Kryptonite)

But here is my big question about the island's volcano: Since there is a volcano on the island that is not currently active but has been in a very recent geological timeframe AND since islands are basically the tops of volcanoes which just happen to be sticking out of the surface of the ocean...did the magna dome under the island and, hence, the active volcano, move with the island when Ben turned the frozen paper mache' wheel?
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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by AngeloComet Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:52 am

MSHL - it's certainly the right question.

I mean, if the Island once existed over a mantle plume (the BIG ONE I discuss above) and was effected by it, when it moved does that render the volano utterly dormant now? (I would suggest it does. Like having a tap that's not connected to the water pipe. You can turn the tap all you like but it'll never produce water until it's connected up.)
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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by Occam Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:01 pm

AngeloComet wrote:MSHL - it's certainly the right question.

I mean, if the Island once existed over a mantle plume (the BIG ONE I discuss above) and was effected by it, when it moved does that render the volano utterly dormant now? (I would suggest it does. Like having a tap that's not connected to the water pipe. You can turn the tap all you like but it'll never produce water until it's connected up.)

I'd say the volcano was already "disconnected" from the magma source. I think this is not the first time the Island has been moved --the existence of an active volcano on the Island could well be the reason why its inhabitants would want the Island to move.

Once moved, we end up with a safe Island... full of tunnels. You know, the ones the fumes go through... Maybe the "original" Cerberus Vents?


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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by SunburnedPenguin Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:08 pm

MSBHL...your post made me wonder if perhaps something was buried naturally a long time ago, some "Alien" exotic matter, and an eruption brought it to the surface? Or atleast enough of a way up the um....dont know the exact term but the gap in the earth the magna travels up...(just woken up lol) to have an effect and be accessible via an elevator........

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by TheHolyStickman Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:26 pm

What I would be able to get on board with more is that a meteorite or an asteroid brought down some 'exotic matter' to the island which gave it some of its unique properties. Since then natural events, volcanoes earthquakes, have disrupted the 'exotic matter' further causing the island to become what we know it as today.

And similar to SunnyP's post the volcano could bring up the things that were buried by the meteor.
The Chosen Ones

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by katesawjack Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:26 pm

TheHolyStickman wrote:What I would be able to get on board with more is that a meteorite or an asteroid brought down some 'exotic matter' to the island which gave it some of its unique properties. Since then natural events, volcanoes earthquakes, have disrupted the 'exotic matter' further causing the island to become what we know it as today.

And similar to SunnyP's post the volcano could bring up the things that were buried by the meteor.

I think on the very last line of this 4 page interview with Darlton, may be offering up a huge clue that there is going to be some cosmic influences in the completed story of Lost!!!

Good read as usual AC!
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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by Irocz28 Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:41 pm

Do I think the volcano will play a major role? Not Really. I think at the time they might of had a plan for it (as noted in the DVD), but as the story progresses, the plan changes.

If my memory serves me correct, Benry wasn't originally supposed to play a major role in Lost. The story progressed. The fans liked him. I would say he is a major character now.

Nicki and Paulo. Who knew what kind of role they would play? But the end result was that the story progressed, the fans hated them, so they were killed off.

So I think the volcano may be an afterthought at this point. That being said, kudos to you AC. That was by far the most convincing argument for how the foot statue came to be on the island.

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by solarchap Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:04 pm

AC your post made me want to find out more about volcanoes, so I have been checking them out and I learned a fact, nothing to do with LOST I'm afraid, but I can't believe I am 38 and did not know until today that a volcano is either explosive or effusive but never both.

So all them films where you see a volcano blowing up (I learned pyroclastic is the term) AND a lava flow at the same time is wrong! This has come as a surprise to me! This is the beauty of LOST, it's not just a programme, it's an education!

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by StitchExp626 Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:26 am

I agree with SC!

Sorry AC, we still friends?

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Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008 Empty Re: Big Island Eruptions - Winner July 2008

Post by TheHolyStickman Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:55 pm

Irocz28 wrote:Do I think the volcano will play a major role? Not Really. I think at the time they might of had a plan for it (as noted in the DVD), but as the story progresses, the plan changes.

I agree with you there Irocz, I don't think the volcano will play a big part and probably none at all. Why? Because there has been little intrest in it. Maybe the volcano was originally supposed to play a big part but it was changed so they could follow a different story line.

Similar to the four toed statue. How much information do we have about it? A picture that's it. Theres A few seconds of the foot of a statue. So my theory is that the writers had a plan for this but during the 2-3 break they decided to change because it was eg; too unrealalistic, change of writers. So now they've taken season three into the realm of the others instead of mysterious and jungle based like season 1.

But oh no, they find a massive interest developing in the four toed statue. Despite the limited flow of info coming out of it. So now the writers face a choice.

A) Leave the four toed statue completely and dissapoint the fans.
B) Attempt to include the four toed statue in a story line which will be inevitabely unsuccessful (or at least not as good as it would have been originally) and then dissapoint the fans.#

So my theory is that we (especially us hardcore fans) will be dissapointed with the four toed statue. Remember its now season five nd e haven't seen the statue through all of 3 and 4. Thats two seasons and some of us are still writting theories. (Not that I'm slating anyone who does write theories with minimal information. Wink)

Sorry for taking up so mch space in your post AC, I had to get it out though.
The Chosen Ones

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Post by SunburnedPenguin Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:25 am

This topic has now been copied to the new forum, and will now be closed Smile


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