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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by retroactiveman Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:25 am

I.Speculative System: Simples

Due to the overwhelming popularity of my recent post Speculative System: Man of Maps (as seen here https://losties.darkbb.com/big-theories-f7/speculative-system-man-of-maps-t632.htm), I’m happy to report I have here and now the second installment. This post will attempt to: refine the man of maps post; introduce the logically simple and compare this process to Ben’s method; and in conclusion I look briefly at the possible connection between 06 and Valenzetti equation.

My next post will dwell on Eko’s demise.

A. Man of maps revisited

The Man of Maps post was intended to serve as an introduction to the speculative system.

The entry point to this system is the separation of subject from object, separation of subject from Logos. Vision, internal or external, requires distance between subject and object.

Descartes’ philosophy recognized or created the separation of subject and object. The Cartesian subject doubts all externality, resorting to the certainty of rational processes of the thinking subject’s own mind. Distance between subject and object is mediated. This is how Descartes chose to confront the problem of otherness, and how res extensa came to be subjugated to res cogitans.

Ben thrives on objectification. Objectification occurs through the rational reduction of the external phenomenon to clarified, discrete components. Objectification is a taking the tangled mass of experience, untangling the separate strands or lines. This process is one of violence, as the classifying subject, necessarily does violence to the phenomena as the object must be schematized according to the perceiving subject’s system of classification. Ben delineates, Ben schemes, Ben plots, Ben has a plan.

It is no mistake that Ben’s last name is Linus, or line-us, because that is what he does. Through this line we see the shape of things to come. Losties in being lost, and we as viewers, are drawn to this (plot) line. Even if it is Ben who is supremely lost, we would be lost as he is lost. Doubly lost.

Accordingly, Ben’s ‘mappiness’ is a manifestation of this objectification process. Maps require a breakdown of external phenomena by the rational subject, a break down of things experienced to a palpable form, a subjugation of the external by the subject. Whether these maps are true or not is irrelevant to the character of Ben, the point being that they are effective. Ben is a man of maps, he constructs maps. He is in this sense Cartesian, or des cartes, French for of the maps…

“With the movement from Descartes, through the Enlightenment to idealism and romanticism, attributes traditionally predicated of the divine subject are gradually displaced into the human subject. Through a dialectical reversal, the creator God dies and is resurrected in the creative subject. As God created the world through Logos, so man creates a “world” through conscious projection. In different terms, the modern subject defines itself by its constructive activity.” Mark Taylor.

As Ben says, along the way, through the persona of Gale, “God doesn't know how long we've been here, John. He can't see this island any better than the rest of the world can.” God and man are reduced to one and the same. In this way, from this perspective, God becomes mundane, and the woman or man becomes divine. It is fitting that those that are lost, those separate from meaning, are locked in struggle with, dual (lowercase) others; on one hand the other that constructs, and on the other the other that has become his or her own self, as what was the self has become alienated, objectified, and ripe for analysis. Will they emerge from this otherness? Will they live in this otherness? Or will they merely hide in this otherness like shadows divorced and alienated from their true selves? Tune in and see.

Descartes is, now, to the philosophy of history, the starting point for the speculative system. This speculative system is closed by Hegel, hence the inclusion of the Hegel quote in the post. Needless to say, in the Hegelian system, the subject is necessarily lost, forced to achieve identity by overcoming otherness. But this is for later.

Even if lost is a show of twists of turns as Stitch so boldly asserted, even if the producers implement, as Stitch so bravely noted, plot twists, apparently merely to mess with the viewer, the effect of these devices is to disorient. In the lost universe orientation is disorientation. Through this jostling and turbulence we are detached from the tube feeding us hours of gruel and paste (though some readers, unfazed, try to chew the show up, episode by episode, and reconstitute their cruel mastication for us to swallow, passing it off as “analysis”). Meaning must be made, must be constructed, and gaps must be filled with speculation. Obviously, this speculation is not us looking outward, but is instead self projected outward.

Because knowledge is supremely subjective, because the possibility of God or knowledge is dead (or the murder of God-speed), our perception is all important. All alone, we see, we reflect, we speculate, we picture. But Ben’s map, for now, is the map. When we see, whether we know it or not, we see his map. As ProfOzone would say, Ben always has a plan.

[It doesn’t hurt to point out that two of Abrams recent works explicitly address the separation of subject/object: Cloverfield features point of view camera as protagonists attempt to disentangle mystery; Vantage Point, the title alone refers to perspective that is discerning…all other perspectives are lost in so far as the vantage point is the proper perspective.]

B. Simples

1. Brief description of simples in transcendental logic

The Cartesian method is the analysis of the given sense material with the aim of finding absolutely simple constituents and, out of that, the synthesis of a new order which corresponds to the given material in a new medium, usually that of thought. … Synthesis is the reconstruction in a different dimension of the subject matter of analysis. [This quote and any that follow that are not from lostpedia are from Hartman and Schwarz’s introduction to Kant’s Logic.]

As the above indicates, the logical process is a two step process.

First, it is a breaking down via analysis; second, analysis is followed by a synthetic construction.

a) Analysis

What does analysis consist of and how are they discerned?

Analysis proceeds through subtraction. Regressing, analysis yields, from the bulk of perception, simpler and simpler terms.

All that is obscure must first be clarified and separated into its constituent parts. First, this clarification turns the obscure into pure intellectual intuitions. Then, after the obscure is clarified, the clarification must be reduced.

Through this reduction, all that is irrelevant or relative in the conception of the object must be rejected.

After analysis, what the logical process leaves behind is the absolutely necessary elements.

Analytically, simples are perceived as the absolute in an analytic series.

This perception becomes the structural core of a phenomenal field.

b) Synthesis

What does the synthetic consist of and what does synthesis do with the simples derived from analysis?

After reduction or regression, the synthetic movement builds towards composition.

First, the analytic simples must be distinguished from their use in construction, as the order of the mind which builds up the synthesis is different from that observation and abstraction from which the elements of the new order were derived. The constructive mind will put the simple(s) to work. “The compound result of synthesis is of ‘an order different’ from the complex which were the natural things resolved by analysis.”

This construction is a scientific subject matter. This scientific aspect is what makes the synthesis transcendental. The synthetic’s truth is the simple derived from the synthesis and used by the constructive logic in the reconstruction of the compound.

These simples used in the synthesis become the axioms of the system. This system is applicable to reality, because the simples were analyzed out of reality; making the synthesis scientific.

Through synthetic construction, the simple can be identified as a purely formal construction joining res extensa and res cogitans.

c) Simple summary

In summation: The analytic process identifies the essential phenomenal germs; the synthetic process germinates, incubates, labors and conceives the practical construction.

To see the simple requires a clear and distinct vision of intellectual intuition.

C. Method used by Ben and comparison to logical process

1. Analytic reduction

In “Tale of two cities”, the others perceive the plane split into pieces. In response to this phenomenon, Ben sends out feelers, Goodwin and Ethan, with the instruction "Listen, learn. Don't get involved", i.e., to sense. They are told also to make Ben a list, i.e., provide information to analyze. The ‘brain’ is actively seeking to clarify the components of the bulk phenomenon. At this stage the mind is not identifying simples, but merely distinguishing (more and less) relative components of phenomenon.

Later, Goodwin informs Anna Lucia she was not on the list, and tells her why. Not being on the list means a rational mind is winnowing; certain identified pieces of the mass are being singled out as perception is narrowed. Or, it’s a back and forth between the mind and perception. Apparently, perception has even tried to negotiate with the mind, to include this component in its list of simples. Perception lingers upon a component, unable to definitively classify the component.

Additionally, perception is disguised. Both Goodwin and Ethan (and Tom’s beard) are fully present to the objects they perceive. However, being fully present hides the scheming mind. It is a dual movement: fully present, hidden agenda. This dual movement describes the others relationship to the lost. Others, culture, always are always present; however, others, culture always perceive you, scanning you, fully present. Culture has a prescribed and maybe has a hidden end for you. You must subscribe to culture, and, obviously, the truly original can’t survive culture; or if it does survive it supersedes. All perception is intentional, and rationally means to end.

This take on the subterfuge might also explain the lengths the others go through to disguise themselves. Through their disguise, they are able to engage in reconnaissance. By being fully present to the losties, in disguised forms, the others are able to hide the nature of their activities. Ben directs these activities.

Possibly the smoke monster fits into this picture.

The smoke monster has ‘reduced’ losties. Regarding the link between perception and analytic reduction, Lostpedia reports “In Season 2, near the Pearl and jungle locations close to the survivors beach camp, the Monster simply floated as a single, large cloud that seemed to be watching and "scanning" Mr. Eko.”

Lostpedia also reports that we don’t exactly know when we are seeing the Smoke Monster; for example apparently the spiders that froze Nicky and Paulo were manifestations of the smoke monster.

What we are left with are the simples on and off the island.

Of the plane that entered the sphere of the island’s perception we are left with a few of the original mass. Of these few certain simples are even further reduced. For example Jack has been stripped of his leadership, superhero role; Locke, who’s defining characteristic was his Locke-ian tendencies, i.e., his empirical perception. This breaking down, this stripping of characteristics suggests that these simples are malleable for synthetic construction.

2. Synthetic construction.

I don’t know if we can answer right now what makes the simples simple (I will try to address this through Eko’s reduction in my next post). However, I think it is clear that Ben selected those that made it off the island. According to Ben “all of them” need to get back to the island.

(I don’t remember exactly how Desmond got of the island; I don’t think that Ben had a hand in it. This might be an intentional plot device in the future: because Desmond might be outside Ben’s plans, Desmond might be able to toss a monkey wrench into Ben’s plans, as jazprof once suggested).

Therefore, while it is not clear what he intends for this synthetic construction, it is clear that the reconstruction is intentional. As far as Ben’s concerned the synthetic construction is necessary, he needs all of them. They are off the island for a reason.

D. Conclusion: is there a connection between the 06 and Valenzetti equation? Mathesis universals.

Over and above the particular sciences of mathematics there exists a pure science of order and measurement which is waiting to be discovered, a meta-mathematics, as it were, part of which today is called logic. … ‘It makes no difference whether such measure is sought in numbers, or figures, or stars, or sounds, or any other object whatever.’ As a general science of order, removed from its mathematical ‘husk,’ the method would, … ‘clothe and adorn’ itself in more suitable terms as a universal means of attaining true and solid knowledge, as the logical tool for the solution of all problems, whatever their subject matter.

The Valenzetti equation has been styled the solution to the show. Find the integers of the Valenzetti equation, find the answer to the show, supposedly.

Some have suggested that in the show’s future, the 06 could be identified with the components of the Valenzetti equation.

Construction via synthesis requires the symbolic. The simple must be figured integrally, into a type of mathematical language capable of producing new meaning.

Possibly the 06 are reduced to figures or integers, their synthetic symbol allowing the 06 to be plugged into the equation.

The above analysis, perceiving the integral parts of Ben’s logical reduction, suggests that this speculative synthesis might be viable.

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by tracker Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:42 pm

You took the words right out of my mouth.

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by dabiatchishere Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:40 pm

Retroactiveman, A fascinating read!

I have always subscribed to the belief that whatever is required to change the core value of the 'Valenzetti Equation' applies directly to our losties.

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by retroactiveman Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:49 pm

Thank you DAB. You have always been a very kind and willing reader.

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by dabiatchishere Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:05 pm

Thanks Retro, I do have more I would like to say in support of your theory, but unfortunately my morning coffee hasn't kicked in just yet! Smile So, i will be back later, to add some thoughts.

Your theories are outstanding and very thought provoking! It reminds me 'of the day', if you know what I mean.

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by vincentthedog Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:29 pm

WOW. I missed your first post and just read it along with this. Very deep thinking which I like.
I had never heard of the speculative System.
Now I have to try and understand it.
Is it like maping out your day in your head while lying in bed in the morning and then seeing how closley the day turns out to your thoughts?
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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by dabiatchishere Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:00 pm

I have given your theory some thought and add my own take on it.

We see Ben as “the master manipulator”, in effect ‘the man with a plan’. When that thought is taken further, we see that Ben just might be the ‘ultimate watchman’ of the Panopticon.

One must look at what the Dharma Initiative was designed to accomplish. The stations on ‘the island’ are observatory in nature. Much like the Panopticon, Jeremy Bentham created. The design and functions of the people performing the specified tasks at hand, in the stations were in fact being observed. To what ends the
specific outcome of performing these tasks, is an unknown factor, but may have
been an attempt to alter the human condition. This is also an unknown factor, however could be part of the factor required to change the core value of the Valenzetti Equation.

I believe Ben personifies the ability to fully utilize his skills in the speculative system, better than Dharma ever could have imagined. He simply has a better understanding of it, and what needs to be accomplished, in order to achieve success.

This is part of the reason why Ben plays the elaborate games, he does. In order to achieve success, he must remain true to this cause and stay one step ahead from the enemies who surround him. His methods remaining secretive to the parties involved, as ‘free will’ must enter into the equation in part. If that does require
a little arm bending, however, he is quite adept in that department as well.

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by tracker Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:22 pm

All of this impressive science talk reminded me of a science paper I banged out during a Simpson's commercial.

Here it is in simplified form:

Peer-to-Peer Communication for Moore's Law

By Tracker


Hash tables must work. In fact, few leading analysts would disagree with the synthesis of access points. DUO, our new framework for e-commerce, is the solution to all of these problems. This is crucial to the success of our work.

Table of Contents

1) Introduction
2) Design
3) Implementation
4) Experimental Evaluation and Analysis

5) Related Work
6) Conclusion

1 Introduction

The appropriate unification of neural networks and superpages has synthesized e-business, and current trends suggest that the exploration of simulated annealing will soon emerge. Although such a claim is regularly an appropriate goal, it has ample historical precedence. On the other hand, an unproven grand challenge in software engineering is the exploration of wireless technology. Given the current status of heterogeneous theory, computational biologists daringly desire the understanding of cache coherence, which embodies the private principles of algorithms. On the other hand, DHCP [18] alone can fulfill the need for telephony.

Two properties make this approach perfect: DUO is in Co-NP, and also DUO creates autonomous methodologies, without learning redundancy. The drawback of this type of solution, however, is that fiber-optic cables and A* search are never incompatible. We view operating systems as following a cycle of four phases: evaluation, synthesis, development, and creation. On the other hand, homogeneous theory might not be the panacea that biologists expected. Similarly, two properties make this method distinct: DUO is able to be enabled to control stochastic algorithms, and also DUO stores wireless theory. Obviously, we allow consistent hashing to learn wearable methodologies without the simulation of neural networks.

Security experts mostly construct modular information in the place of multicast algorithms. Even though conventional wisdom states that this challenge is generally surmounted by the construction of digital-to-analog converters, we believe that a different approach is necessary. DUO prevents telephony [18]. Existing "fuzzy" and distributed methodologies use the key unification of active networks and e-commerce to locate the World Wide Web. Obviously, we use probabilistic modalities to disprove that reinforcement learning can be made read-write, wearable, and permutable.

We describe new probabilistic symmetries (DUO), confirming that DHCP and the location-identity split can collude to achieve this intent. Despite the fact that conventional wisdom states that this question is continuously surmounted by the study of link-level acknowledgements, we believe that a different solution is necessary. The basic tenet of this approach is the emulation of Lamport clocks. Combined with highly-available configurations, such a claim harnesses an analysis of fiber-optic cables.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. To begin with, we motivate the need for SMPs. Further, we confirm the emulation of the Ethernet. Furthermore, to fulfill this purpose, we introduce a methodology for the improvement of B-trees (DUO), which we use to prove that superpages and wide-area networks can collude to fix this question. On a similar note, to accomplish this ambition, we confirm that even though the little-known game-theoretic algorithm for the confusing unification of redundancy and Boolean logic by Hector Garcia-Molina et al. is maximally efficient, the well-known relational algorithm for the study of linked lists by Jackson et al. is optimal. As a result, we conclude.

2 Design

The properties of our algorithm depend greatly on the assumptions inherent in our model; in this section, we outline those assumptions. Any unfortunate analysis of the construction of the World Wide Web will clearly require that systems and Web services are often incompatible; our methodology is no different. This is a natural property of DUO. Continuing with this rationale, Figure 1 plots the relationship between our methodology and pervasive theory. See our related technical report [18] for details.

Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Dia0
Figure 1: A flowchart plotting the relationship between DUO and permutable theory.

Our application does not require such an intuitive development to run correctly, but it doesn't hurt. Continuing with this rationale, we consider a system consisting of n link-level acknowledgements. This seems to hold in most cases. On a similar note, we show DUO's replicated prevention in Figure 1. This is an unfortunate property of DUO. rather than preventing the World Wide Web, our solution chooses to control checksums. Any intuitive visualization of voice-over-IP will clearly require that telephony and superpages [13] can connect to fix this quandary; our heuristic is no different. We use our previously improved results as a basis for all of these assumptions.

Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Dia1
Figure 2: DUO allows efficient models in the manner detailed above [16].

We ran a 1-year-long trace confirming that our framework is solidly grounded in reality. We show DUO's client-server prevention in Figure 2. Similarly, Figure 2 diagrams DUO's linear-time study. We use our previously deployed results as a basis for all of these assumptions.

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by retroactiveman Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:33 pm

Hey Vincent: your question as to what Speculative Philosophy "is" is a good one, and its answer depends on who you ask. [Keep in mind philosophy is not my job; I'm ultimately an unabashed hack. Obviously.]

But your suggestion as to what it is is pretty good. At the end of the day, inevitably, one will be forced to compare. But when one reflects, one comes to a solution about the way the day should go. In line with this reflection, during the next day, the speculative will attempt to dominate the day, and subject himself, herself, or the power of pure reason upon the objects of the day, everything that meets the speculators line of vision. What doesnt fall in line with the speculators vision is subtracted from the phenomenon of vision.

"Its business is to take over all aspects of human experience, to reflect upon them, and to try to think out a view of Reality as a whole which shall do justice to all of them." http://www.ditext.com/broad/csp.html#sp

I like to think of speculative philosphy putting critical philosophy to work.

The above pertains to speculative philosophy. Speculative system, is the systemization of the philosophy. Providing a definition for this proves harder but can be quickly dealt with for now by providing that the systemization allows for the system to be controled or monitored. Thus the speculative system aspires to panopticon, to see all to control all.

There are obvious flaws in speculative philosophy as certain moments in the 20th century bore out. So Ben might have a map, plan or solution or mind, but this of course does not necessarily mean that this is the answer to everything. Ben is simply trying to construct a course of events, construct himself has the "good guy".

These flaws might be emphasized in the future.

DAB: That day! How could I forget!

Your suggestion of Ben has master of the Panopticon is a really enticing one. I like it a lot. Not only does it describe how Ben acts, but it provides a means for the panopticon's future destruction, becuase while the panopticon pretends to ultimate sight lines, this myth is deconstructed by the reality that someone or something is always watching the panopticon. I would really love to see this. Nice thoughts.

Tracker! Im going to need a couple years to try to digest that! However a case could be made for the binary process of computers being the sythetical result of a particularily Leinizian logic. (Jazprof on another site made a connection between the name of Benjamin Linus and Linux).

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by TheHolyStickman Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:58 am

Wow, how did you keep all this bottled up inside you Retro. Its a fascinating read and my nominee for the best theory of the month. Very Happy
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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by TheHolyStickman Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:33 pm

Congrats again Retro. My nominee won!
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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by SunburnedPenguin Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:46 am

This topic has now been moved to the new forum and will be closed Smile

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Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008 Empty Re: Speculative System: Simples - Winner August 2008

Post by StitchExp626 Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:24 am


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